The city of Salinas belonging to the canton of the same name, is located in the province of Santa Elena at the foot of the sea geographically at the most outstanding tip of the Ecuadorian coast. It is considered the most important spa in Ecuador. It is located 140 km from the city of Guayaquil (international airport), in front of the Pacific Ocean coast.

In Salinas, the most prominent beach is called La Fae where the first National Surfing Championship of Ecuador was held in 1984 and later in 1985, and then it hosted several national championships over the years and also major events hospitalizations, such as Bolivarian 2001, Pan American 2003 and the first ISA World Surfing World Championship in 2004 in Ecuador. Then two ISA World Junior Surf Championships in 2009 and 2011 respectively. The Fae is considered the most consistent wave of Ecuador.

It is important to mention that this beach is located within a military base currently part of a coastal marine reserve, Remacopse (Protected Reserve, National Park). For what follows the rules of conservation of the fauna and flora of the place, it has a good beach break, very close to other waves known as the Chocolatera, Tres Cruces, Dead Point and also La Bahía, all operating all year round mainly with southern waves . Other very important waves that stand out basically in the high season (with north waves mainly) are Anconcito, Punta Carnero, Mar Bravo, La Chueca, Paco Illezcas, Playero Miramar, La Puntilla, among others. In other words, there is an extensive range of wave offerings for all tastes (Point breaks, Beach breaks, etc.) and levels.

Another interesting aspect to highlight is that on the beaches of Salinas, surfing took place in Ecuador, after being born in another nearby location, the main and pioneer families of surfers in the early 70s took Salinas and Fae as their headquarters and base in particular, from where Montañita and other recognized Ecuadorian waves were discovered towards the north of the coast.

According to the Ministry of Tourism, this town represents one of the most important tourist attractions within the beach segment on the Ecuadorian coast, due to the large influx of local and foreign visitors that it receives each year, it is estimated that only in the Remacopse (National Park, where is the Fae) more than 300,000 people enter = tourists a year.

The remarkable tourist influx that this city receives causes its economy to be boosted, creating jobs that are used by locals and people coming from different parts of the region and the country.