Salinas being a benchmark of surfing in Ecuador has a leading role at the national level both in the management of a planned development and in the responsibility of social and environmental projects, as well as in projects to improve the quality of the service offered in the field tourist, in this case of surf adventure tourism.

We highlight the following initiatives:

  1. Mingas por el Mar: Social and self-management project led by surfers and backed by the sectional authorities of Salinas and Ecuador that seeks to raise awareness about the care, maintenance and cleanliness of the beaches.
  2. Escuela del Océano: Another social project promoted and developed by renowned surfers from Salinas and Ecuador that seeks to teach about the importance of knowing and caring for the sea. With talks, training and related ventures.
  3. Proyecto de la Prefectura de Santa Elena: To create the SURF PENINSULA, with the integration of the three cantons Santa Elena, Libertad and particularly Salinas, where surf tourism takes center stage as a tool to encourage, develop and promote surfing in the province not only from a tourist or sporting point of view but also of integration with the community with conversation policies and maintenance of the environment.